الأسبوع الماضي كان لي شرف إلقاء الكلمة الاساسية للجمعية الليبية الامريكية في أتلانتا. عنوان المحاضرة " أصول الثورات العربية و سراب الحكمة الممتط" يلخص ارهاصات محاولات الشعوب العربية لانتزاع هوية وطنية تختلف عما سبقها دون تحضير علمي عملي و ابان صدامات فكرية و اخلاقية لم يتنبه لها الشارع العربي و قياداته الفاشلة و تم استغلالها مرحلة بعد اخرى من قبل القوى المتفوقة علميا.
Last week I had the honour of giving the keynote speech to the Libyan American Organization in Atlanta. The title of my lecture " The Genealogy of Arab Revolts; The perpetual Illusion of Wisdom" describes the not unexpected frustrations of Arabs in their numerous attempts to extract a different national identity without scientific practical preparation. The roots of Arab revolts which commenced close to two hundred years ago as new states separated from the Ottoman Empire were often plagued by unprepared minds that have failed to acknowledge fundamental faults in the way the Arab streets deal with existential thoughts on religion and morals.
Last week I had the honour of giving the keynote speech to the Libyan American Organization in Atlanta. The title of my lecture " The Genealogy of Arab Revolts; The perpetual Illusion of Wisdom" describes the not unexpected frustrations of Arabs in their numerous attempts to extract a different national identity without scientific practical preparation. The roots of Arab revolts which commenced close to two hundred years ago as new states separated from the Ottoman Empire were often plagued by unprepared minds that have failed to acknowledge fundamental faults in the way the Arab streets deal with existential thoughts on religion and morals.